Status Layanan Digital


Services check interval: 60 seconds.
Last page deployed: 2023-03-16T22:05:28+0700.
This page is auto-reload in 5 seconds.


2023/03/06 10:05 WIB - Single Sign-On (SSO) service maintenance break. Affected services will not working properly. Please be patient, our engineering team is working on fixing the issue. Est 1 day. --orangebananaspy

2023/03/01 08:40 WIB - SISTER Maintenance Break. We are currently experiencing an outage and we have identified the root cause of the problem. Our engineering team is working on fixing the same. We will keep you all posted on the status until we resolve the issue. Est 1 hour. --orangebananaspy

2023/02/20 11:49 WIB - Add SIREMUN to SLD --orangebananaspy

2023/02/14 15:37 WIB - Restoring to the fix state --orangebanbanaspy

2023/02/03 09:45 WIB - Fix Telegram Notification. --efbe

2023/02/01 22:23 WIB - Sends any commit changes to Telegram. --efbe

2023/02/01 18:42 WIB - Fix SLD Delivery Automation. --efbe

2023/02/01 17:51 WIB - Setup SLD CI/CD & Delivery Automation. --orangebananaspy

2023/01/31 08:30 WIB - Sangfor authentication removed. --orangebananaspy

2023/01/30 00:00 WIB - Init SLD monitoring apps. --orangebananaspy

Copyright © 2023 Unit Penunjang Akademik Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi - Universitas Jember.
Developed with GNU Bash by @orangebananaspy & @ef_be.